
Common KPIs to compare your media performances.

Measurement as a common thread to all your media campaigns

KPIs taylored to your needs

Our solution allows you to monitor your campaigns based on KPIs relevant to your business challenges.
To fully master your media performance, compare, analyse and operate trade-offs between your campaigns in order to determine the best media-mix for your points of sale.

A common KPI to compare your media and chanels

Easy to use, the Cost Per Exposed Visitor (CPV) enables you to identify which chanel within your campaign generates the most in-store trafic of exposed visitors.

As a result: we calculate the number of exposed visitors in each of your stores and by extension, the potential revenue generated.

To go one step further: a KPI to evaluate the trafic uplift generated by your campaigns

Our calculation methods allow us to isolate the impact of your advertising campaign and to estimate the uplift in trafic in your points of sale (i.e. the number of visitors who came in store because they have been exposed to the ad, and would not have come otherwise).

As a result: you know the number of additional visitors driven by your campaigns, and therefore the ROAS, on a large number of available media.

A method inspired by Meta's research

Our data-scientists have elaborated a solution based on Meta’s research on uplift measurement.
By extending it to other media, Kairos has developed a measurement model usable on most major media.

Learn more about Meta’s research

Want to optimize your media spending?

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